Un projet sans frontières

Guylaine Cosseron – voix
Benjamin Duboc – contrebasse
Franz Hautzinger – trompette

Pink Forest interroge la modernité et ces actes primordiaux qui poussent l’être humain à revenir à l’essentiel et interroge son rapport au sauvage, à l’élément, à l’harmonie.

Benjamin Duboc is one of the most active artists in the Paris scene of Improvised Music and Jazz Avantgarde. He is creating projects for small and large ensembles, where he passes the borders of music and art in a very individual way.
Guylaine Cosseron, outstanding vocal artist from the Normandie and Austrian trumpeter and composer, Franz Hautzinger where part of one of those projects (Ensemble Icosikaihenagone / Volumes II) and they decided to go on and work together as a formation called Pink Forest. The music has no stylistic borders because all the members are skilled in different music styles which gives the music a very wide range of possibilities.